You don’t seem like the type

A few weeks ago, I got off a near 8-hour flight from Singapore to Abu Dhabi and as I stepped off the plane and stepped unto the transfer bus from the runway en-route to the arrival terminal, I met a near 75 year-old man. He sat next me as we took the 10-minute transfer bus. He proceeded to ask me what I was doing there in Abu Dhabi; I responded that I was studying there for the week. He introduced himself as a Christian missionary from Papua New Guinea travelling from Australia and how he was returning to his home in the UK where he wasn’t looking forward to given the terrible weather but that he was excited about going back to his wife. He then started asking for my life history and I obliged. When I got to the part where I mentioned I used to work in banking for 6 years, he stopped me with “Really, you don’t seem like the type”. I further engaged with him to ask why he felt so. He responded with “I have only met you for a few minutes but you, with your energy and personality seem more of a creative than a bank worker”. He left me with “You were probably wasting your talent there and it’s a good thing you are not there anymore so use your talent better” (So blunt, no?).What really got me was how someone I had never met, someone that didn’t know me was able to deduce so quickly and come to a conclusion on what I should be doing. Let me first say that banking definitely provided me with some core learning’s that I needed over the years but deep down I knew all along I was under-serving myself, I knew I wasn’t at my destination yet. At times, we ourselves know where we best fit, it’s crystal clear perhaps not so where we should be but more so where we shouldn’t be.

So the question I have for you is, do you feel you are where it feels right, where the key fits the lock? Not only where it feels right in terms of your career, but also in terms of your friendships, your relationships, your life. If not, why are you there? Why aren’t you moving towards where you will feel truly ALIVE? Ask yourself WHY?

“We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.” 
― Steve Maraboli

3 Replies to “You don’t seem like the type”

  1. Most people happen to be working in jobs that conflict with their natural talent and in doing so, they end up being mediocre for the rest of their existence (not truly achieving their ultimate purpose).

    In my opinion, the chief reason being that society has taught us that life is all about surviving (how paradoxical given our inevitable mortality) and achieving this in a capitalist society requires a steady income.

    This then causes humans to solely focus on looking for a job which takes them as furthest away from poverty (metaphorical death) as possible and once that job is secured, they fear losing it lest they go back to square one.

    Now, this social structure disrupts one from focusing on understanding one’s natural abilities and thereby finding the proverbial: key that fits the right lock.

    In short, people fail to develop (or even worse, discover) their natural talents because of the way society is setup and because of the fear of the unknown.

  2. I actually feel like that now. I completely understand those views, however, it’s a stepping stone and I pray and hope to find my place.. My right place soon

    1. Thank you for your comment Nene. I agree its a stepping stone but its important not to lose sight of it as such and believe and work towards your RIGHT place..all the best and keep on and I am sure in time, you will find your place soon.

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