10 reasons why you will never be promoted in 2017

Ever wonder why it seems you are the only one not getting promoted in your office? Here are some pointers to help on your way to getting that much desired promotion. Note that these pointers are not full-proof as there managers out there that are just pure evil (i.e. have a personal vendetta against you (unfortunately, I can’t help you with that one)).

But if you don’t have such crazy managers, here are reasons why you may be holding back your destiny of success:


Must every criticism be taken as though someone has a personal vendetta against you. If you get defensive each time you receive constructive feedback, you will be perceived as rigid and unable to take correction. Feedback is not always a bad thing so when you receive constructive criticisms, resist the urge to defend yourself. PAUSE, TAKE IT IN, REFLECT and see what you can learn from it.


Image: debmillswriter


An initiative taker is someone who is quick on their feet to generate ideas, they hear problems spoken aloud and without being asked, they turn them into project plans and then into solutions. If you do not take initiative, your promotion might still be hanging on this. Go beyond someone who just sees or lodges the complaint, be a problem solver.


Image: kiddikraft


Heard of the common saying that ‘Your attitude determines your altitude’? This is true especially in your workplace. If you are good at your job and your attitude is bad, you most likely will not be the first person that comes to mind when the talks of promotion are being discussed. Look inwardly and change your attitude to your work, your colleagues and in the work environment in general.


Image: newyork


If you tend to stand in the shadows only to be seen when you are called upon, you are running in the opposite direction from your promotion. There is value in strong leadership and as such people who show leadership skills tend to shine more and guess who gets promoted…only those that shine brightest.


Image: leadershipinsightsblog


Unwillingness to take on extra work or put in the extra effort will only portray you as a lazy fellow. This sends a message to your manager that even if you’re capable of doing more work, you’re not willing to do so. I am not suggesting that you become a workaholic just to be seen. I am encouraging you to go the extra mile and very soon that promotion will be yours.


Image: blog.muovo.eu


We all have strengths and weakness but strategically seeking out opportunities that showcase your strengths will help in getting you a promotion quickly. Why spend your life trying to race against lions when you are a tortoise #TotalWasteOfTime. In many cases, you need to already be operating in your new level before the formal promotion follows.

Image: jelanikhalfani


When you have passion for your job, you invest your time and energy in getting things done well. This type of passion is exactly what your boss is looking for when promoting an employee. Passion is infectious and can have an enormous impact on your company. If you’re going to receive a promotion, you’ll need passion that will inspire others. If you’re lacking this passion, your boss will most definitely search for it elsewhere within your company.


Image: naldzgraphics


High achieving employees have a high sense of urgency. As you master a task, it stands to reason that you should be able to do it faster and better than when you started or than your less experienced colleagues. If you are not increasing your rate or your results or both, you should question why (probably your manager is asking that same question).


Image: blog.hubspot


Do you blame others when things go wrong? Always have an excuse? Never take responsibility for failures? That’s a great way to limit your altitude in that career. Managers want to see that you’re willing to own up to errors and find ways to improve.  Take responsibilities for faults (if they are indeed yours), find ways to resolve issues, that way you learn from mistakes and reduce the likeliness of you making them again.


Image: soulseeds


When it comes down to receiving a promotion, your soft skills; effective communication, team player, motivation and so on will be the difference between you and the other candidate. Many employers look at soft skills when making a hiring decision. So to make sure you are worthy of a promotion, make sure your soft skills are some of your strongest skills. You need to have a balance between your hard and soft skills that will make you the perfect candidate for a promotion.


Image: gviservicelearning

If you were overlooked for a promotion, it isn’t the end of the world. In fact, missing out on a promotion can give you a great opportunity to learn new skills and improve as a professional. For now, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and ask your peers and managers for constant feedback and see how you can improve from there. This will guide you in the right direction for receiving a promotion.

Know any more pointers to getting promoted? Do share, that is what family is for, right? (I consider you family *wink*))


8 things you must do in your 20s if you care about being successful

It has been said that the majority of successful people today had no clue what they wanted to do with their lives at the age of 30. This statement I believe is very misleading as it may lead us to believe that successful people just waltz through 20s not caring and not actively contributing to their future. The truth is the majority of successful people did things (perhaps unconsciously) in their 20s that prepared them for the success they built later on in their lives.

Finding success and enjoying it till you’re old and gray means starting early. Here are 8 things you must achieve in your 20s and if you are past that age, then you should strive to achieve them (as it’s never too late). They are:


In our 20s we tend to have many ideas (some ludicrous) that are destined to fail but my point here is that you try and bring these ideas to life anyway. Don’t doubt yourself, instead follow your passion. It is important to know that you will learn more from failure than from success. And the more you fail in more 20s, the likelihood that you will succeed later on.


There are people in their 40s that have never stepped out of their state of birth. In your 20s, your back can still tolerate hostel beds and you should be fine eating N200 suya for dinner so you can travel on the cheap in ways that elderly people just cannot anymore. Go places and go alone at least once. Traveling will open you up to new experiences, new ideas and new people that can inspire you in ways you never imagined. Seeing beyond your doorstep is a sure step to becoming successful.


Building healthy relationships with loved ones is important. Now is the time to spot and drop fair-weather friends and pick ones that will be there through thick and thin. Ensure to support your support system. Make an effort to remember birthdays, holidays, and important events of your loved ones. Whether you like it or not, a time is coming when you would not really have the time to do this as often.


You might say what about all the reading you did at school? I am not talking about academics here. Take time to read current news, non-fiction, fiction, career advice, self-help books — anything! This will keep your mind stimulated and open to ideas. Most noteworthy is that reading is a stimulus for growth so start reading!


Your 20s are the period to invest in self knowledge. What makes you happy? Can you identify the causes that motivate you? What do you want to achieve in life? All these and more are questions you need to find answers to in your 20s. Learn who you are and what defines you. Your 20s are useful years for understanding yourself better so invest in that self knowledge.


I know the advice to “follow your passion” can be alluring but it is important to remember the benefits of mastering a set of skills/trade. Whether or not this skill is related to your career is irrelevant. Remember that no knowledge is lost and this skill can lead to new beginnings or an alternative source of income.


If you can master at this early stage “the delicate art form of planning ahead & budgeting your time and financial resources”, you will save yourself considerable stress over the course of your life. This will in turn make you become a better employee, parent, friend and lover in your later years.


The truth is gone are the days when donuts, chips, and soft drinks can pass as a full day’s meal. Even if eating well takes a little more time and effort, your future self will thank you when you find yourself maintaining your energy and healthy body at this early age. Therefore, learn new recipes and treat yourself to healthy meals as often as possible. 

These are my own opinions on things that must be done in one’s 20s to achieve success. Perhaps you disagree, share your thoughts. 

Image: Jumia Travel

The Forbidden Fruit: Office Romance – To take a bite or not

Oh geez, we have all been here (some more often than others). In present times, where most people spend the bulk of their time at work, the temptation to start an office romance is very alluring. You spent most of your days with these people in sight. You go on company retreats, you hang around together after work for a drink (or one too many drinks). It’s easy to get know them on a more intimate basis (You get to kill 2 birds with one stone). These people totally get you and the pressures of your job. So naturally, it is easier to build relationship with them.

With the tinder-world (a world filled with such abyss) upon us, you might say its better dating co-workers because there are a lot of  “creeps” (both men and women) out there in the world; dating and falling for someone you work with is a lot easier and safer than trying to meet a new person in clubs, bars, etc.


Image: zalora.sg

So you get into an office romance and you think it’s a private affair (Oh, is it really?). You do not want anyone to know just yet but one glance from both of you can give you up and then someone is pointing fingers, yeah who spilled the beans? Can you handle the sometimes ridiculing looks from your colleagues?

One side of your brain should tell you that your romantic involvement will impact your co-workers directly. If you sit together in the company cafeteria, will people now feel they should give you privacy? Will they exclude you from certain conversations, because they don’t know what you’ll tell your new love during your bed-time conversations? Could it actually hinder your career growth?


Image: yte.educ.ubc.ca

I know you think love conquers all but you need to think it through before diving into it. Have you weighed your pros and cons? Is it worth it? Think of a scenario where you become involved with someone in your department, and you receive a promotion and you’re in a relationship with your subordinate. This opens up the possibility of blackmail, favouritism and the works. And what happens when it comes to conducting reviews and disciplining your new-found honey? I know you may not want to imagine this scenario but trust me this is one of the important things you need to think about before falling for any of your co-workers.

Before I leave you, you need to know that having an office romance can also lead to potential legal consequences. For example, if one party wants to end the relationship but the other one does not, a sexual harassment claim may come up. This seems far fetched but it happens more often than not. Please, we both know that is better imagined than experienced.

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One last thing, if it comes down to it can you leave your job for him/her? Think this one through…


Image: whitehouse.gov1

Okay forgive me, I promise you I am not being a spoil sport and in all sincerity some office romances might actually be the real thing but you need to play your cards right and go with your head. Think about it and do not just get carried away by the warmt and fuzzy feelings. Weigh up the options. Some office romances may build your career whilst others break them down. Choose wisely.

Would you engage in an office romance? If so, why? and if you have any horror or cinderella stories, please share, everyone loves a good story.