Should I just give up and CHANGE?

It’s been over a month since I moved back to Lagos and there is this issue that lingers in my mind. The issue is simply “To change or not to change”. Some would say it’s “To adapt or not to adapt” but I think they both to some degree mean the same thing (or maybe not??). When we adapt to a certain situation, a part of us intrinsically is changing whether we choose to admit it or not.

My patience has been tried so many times here, from vendors who promise hell on earth but never deliver on time. I am still yet to attend a brunch, a meet-up or a party that anyone turns up on time. To be honest I knew all this before I moved back but to live it every single day is a completely different experience. I find myself adapting (or changing)…i.e. turning up late too (if only for my sanity, peace and my stress levels). I am a very ‘on time’ (punctual) being…In the past, it aggravated me when someone says “I will be there at 1pm”, tell me at 12.30pm they are around the corner and finally arrive at 4pm (What do you even say to that person on arrival? In Lagos, we welcome them with open arms).

I guess the whole point of my write-up today is to ask to what degree do we let our environment change us or force us to adapt. To what degree do we let our experiences with others, our relationships, our work environment change who we fundamentally are. Can we try and be firm in our position so as to force others to yield to us (and how easy is that)? or is it just a game of “If you can’t beat them, join them?” I don’t want to change some fundamentals of who I am because I know once that begins to change, maybe I won’t even recognise who I am in a year’s time (and I kinda like who I am right now). I guess one could argue that maybe the person I become in a year is better than who I am today…

What are your thoughts on this? I would love to hear them.


β€œIt is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” || Leon C. Megginson


10 Replies to “Should I just give up and CHANGE?”

  1. Change is inevitable. I think it’s impossible to not be affected or influenced by the things we go to, the people we interact with, etc. We have to change, adapt, or GROW.

    What we can control is how we change. Doing something that is fundamentally wrong just because everyone else does it is regressive, and harmful to your integrity. By all means, grow. But in this specific matter, stay strong.

    1. Thanks for your comment Deji. Given what you’ve said, how easy is it to control how we change though? Do you think we have that much control when the driver of change is fundamentally engrained in the environment we live in?

      I will certainly try to remain strong!!

  2. You can stick to your routine and belief but sometimes a little change might just be necessary.
    Let people know how you feel about the late coming and you might be surprised they might also change to suit you especially as your standard is a better one

  3. What i think is, the most important thing is to know what wants and work towards not getting bent because of others actions, make people know how yiu feel no matter who they might be, ofcourse in a subtle manner… “We will get to change somehow but the change we should, should be that which would make us better” – The Bestowed
    *Nice Stuff* you got going here!

  4. What i think is, the most important thing is to know what one wants and work towards not getting bent because of others actions, make people know how yiu feel no matter who they might be, ofcourse in a subtle manner… “We will get to change somehow but the change we should, should be that which would make us better” – The Bestowed
    *Nice Stuff* you got going here!

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