The Games We Play

So I think am a bit of a comedian. Earlier this week I had a conversation with a few friends. We were three girls and a guy having this random conversation. So in my humorous attitude (always trying to lighten the mood), I said to the girls with the guy present: ‘I don’t know why (the guy present) doesn’t like me, like I am doing everything in my power to tell him am crazy about him. I tell him everyday I love him and still nothing, what am I doing wrong?’. So one of the girls responded and said ‘Just do the opposite and he’ll be after you, ignore him and you will have all you want’. We all just burst out laughing . Perhaps I could take up stand up stand up comedy after business school? Note sure that would make a good return on investment but who knows what the future holds (Am sure my african parents would faint at the thought so I think i will park that idea).

Anyways, this was a very comical conversation but brings up an interesting issue I thought, an issue I have never fully understood (But one which I have come across multiple times in my young life), ‘why do we love playing games?’ I mean why can’t we just be real and be open with what we want, what we like? Why can’t be upfront about what we like, what we don’t like and what we are indifferent about? Is that we are afraid to be seen in a vulnerable state? What are we so afraid of? What is it about human nature that loves the twist and turns? Some might say they want a smooth run and want drama free relationships and life’s but do we truly want that? What is it about drama, twist and turns that we cannot resist? 

So what is my own personal perspective about games? Let me give you a story about #Sassyfunke when she was 14/15. I had a huge crush on a guy in high school (and what everyone found shocking was how open and unapologetic I was about it). I never denied my crush, I openly discussed it, even in his presence and even though the feeling wasn’t reciprocated right away, I never once felt shy about it (I felt what I felt and that was that). I give this story to highlight how I don’t like games. What was the point in me stalking him, sending subliminal messages and giving him random signals at the high school dance (that would have required too much effort which I had no time for even as a teen).

As a Gemini, I have a dual personality so in most circumstances I have two very contrasting ways of seeing things. When it comes to games though, I would fundamentally say I don’t like games, games are such hard work, they create confusion, and they make your head go into overdrive. I can’t stand them. I love honesty; I appreciate people being upfront with their intentions and their motivations. On the flip side, to be completely honest I would say that games could make life a little bit interesting. I think I enjoy games a tiny tiny tiny little bit but they get very old and boring pretty quick. Like I don’t think I have the capacity to mentally tolerate games for longer than 5 minutes. I think I really have a low tolerance for BS so I can’t take games for too long (like my old friend JayZ puts it #OnToTheNextOne).

What are your own views on games? To Love or not to Love?


6 Replies to “The Games We Play”

      1. Preach it! I fully agree with you on the notion that there is a tiny little line separating both and perhaps its hard for some to comprehend when that line has been crossed #SoNoToBS

  1. The Older we become, the less games we want to play. However, games add that little suspense and it gives a beautiful plot when the story is told.

    1. Kofo, I agree there could be an age element in regard to how willing we are to engage in games. And yes they do add suspense, but I guess the question is how much is too much?

  2. The Older we become, the less games we want to play. However, games add that little suspense and it gives a beautiful plot when the story is told.

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