If YOU only knew what lies beneath MY surface

This is the title of my newest post and oh my. So let me share a little of what was going on with me few weeks ago. I had recently finished my MBA and was working on securing a full time job. In the midst of securing a job, I was incorporating some travel around the world and it seemed to the outside world that perhaps I was not serious in my pursuit of a job. They looked at my Instagram and Facebook feed and thought, all she is about is fun and travelling, “how would this one get a job”, “Is she really that serious?” This got a bit irritating, as I myself knew how much I had invested in this pursuit and in growing myself over the past few months.

I remember when I used to work in Investment banking and everyone one saw me as the “always happy friendly”, “spending all my time in the gym”, “playing netball”, “forever jet-setting away” one that left the office much earlier than most others. What they didn’t know was that behind it all, I was studying hard, investing hour’s day in, day out (after work, on the bus, on the train – arm in arm in with GMAT books) all in pursuit to study an MBA. Once I got accepted into one of the best business schools in the world, I remember getting comments like “WOW, you got into INSEAD” as if to imply it was by luck (unfortunately they didn’t get front seat at my moments of sleepless nights studying, my moment of profound sadness when I initially didn’t get the GMAT score I wanted). They didn’t understand how this fun-loving, forever travelling soul could get into business school

I remember when I was at business school; no one understood how I had the time to start a blog (They didn’t get a front row seat when I woke up regularly at 2am to plan, build my blog and regularly posts content, “they didn’t buy tickets to see my show”). So what is the point of today’s rant…Its simply that people are so quick to make judgments about who we are, what we can achieve by looking at our surface. They don’t know that behind all that Facebook post, all those selfies, all those instagram quotes, is a grafter, a hard worker, a relentless soul who is in pursuit of more than she is today. 


Your opinion is your opinion, your perception is your perception–do not confuse them with “facts” or “truth”

|| John Moore


Can you relate to my post? Any thoughts on my perspective? Let me know, I would love to hear them!

Till next time

Sassy xx

6 Replies to “If YOU only knew what lies beneath MY surface”

  1. Nice Article, but where you also assuming or people actually told you to your face you were not serious or it was by their looks or action.

    1. Directly to my face. I guess the point is that we make judgements very quickly and perhaps its easier to do so rather than to think deeper.

  2. do people really watch what you do that hard though? Or do you like to pretend you’re a celebrity and think everyone actually cares about every aspect of your life. Also you didn’t do “investment banking”. So delusional.

    1. @fullofherself….she clearly said she worked in investment banking not “DID”….@funke..nice post, I absolutely relate wit it n it happens alot where people judge alot without knowing u deep in side…pls keep me posted?

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