The Lagos Chronicles: The only good thing about Valentine’s day

So it’s nearly here, the day of love, the day of roses, the day of gifts . Valentine’s day means a lot to some and nothing to others. I have heard of relationships where the guy says “I don’t celebrate Valentine’s day, it’s a marketing ploy. One should be appreciated everyday and not only on Valentine’s”. My question for these guys is “do you appreciate your babe or babes every day?? (I digress).

OK, so my friends and I were gisting about why Valentine’s day is good. And what we came up with had nothing to do with gifts, roses or the works, it simply had to do with finding out whether your boo/bae/husband/main squeeze had another squeeze/side chic/main chic/side lover/bae/small chops.

  1. If he spends THE Valentines day with you (daylight time included) – YOU ARE THE BAE
  2. If he spends the night before Valentines day with you and says he has to work the next day (Vals day) or has family commitments – YOU ARE THE SMALL CHOPS
  3. If he spends 3 hours or less with you before Valentines day ends –YOU ARE STILL THE SMALL CHOPS

So I hope I have helped you in recognizing your role in your relationship( My own opinion o). Note that I am not saying being small chops is a bad thing ooo…I know some babes like being small chops (each to their own – am sure there are benefits).

What do you think of my ways to spot your role in a relationship? Please share others ways to help your sisters out there xxx